
The true and local church of Christ was commanded by the Lord Jesus Christ to go into the all world and preach the gospel of salvation to every creature. While present on earth, Jesus christ sent his disciples (two by two) going from house to house and village to village to bring the message of the glorius gospel to the lost.

We at faithful word Christ Baptist church, follow the same pattern when we go out for soulwinning. We believe that every saved believer is called to share their faith with the unbelievers.

Our church has it’s soulwinning activities on Tuesday and Saturday of every week.

Jesus Christ’s message was the message of repent and believe the Gospel. In the same manner, we believe that one is only required to believe by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and shall have eternal life.

We do not believe in the gospel of repent of your sins to be saved, for such is a false gospel damning people to hell.

If you have not yet believed on the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation; kindly listen to the video below while Pastor Paul takes you through the gospel presentation and thereby chose to believe.